There is greatness in doing something you hate for the sake of someone you love

“There is greatness in doing something you hate for the sake of someone you love.”

Shmuley Boteach, American Orthodox Jewish rabbi, author, and television host

Image from Unsplash by Bethany Beck

In my mind, there is perhaps no greater love than that of a parent for their children.

Consider everything a mom goes through including birth, sleepless nights, countless diaper changes, runny noses, potty training…. You get the idea.

Of course, fathers do their part, but moms are clearly the unsung heroes of the world.

Their influence in good times—and especially bad—have given all of us the enduring support to be who we are today.


In what ways can you and do you acknowledge the greatness of the moms of the world?

How can you also acknowledge others in your life who do things they hate because of their deep love for you and others?

“Buying your kids the best will never replace giving your kids your best.”

“Buying your kids the best will never replace giving your kids your best.”

—James Clear, author of Atomic Habits

Image from Unsplash by Juliane Liebermann

A few weeks ago, we celebrated my grandson’s fifth birthday. In many ways, our multi-day extravaganza reminded me of places like Disney World, where they celebrate significant milestone events for an entire year.

I also related this series of events to the 5 Love Languages concept I’ve referenced numerous times over the years.

Although there was an abundance of gift-giving during these days, I took great pleasure in the countless expressions of quality time, words of affirmation, and physical touch offered by both family and friends.


How do you show your love to those close to you?

In what ways do you make it a priority to give them the things money can’t buy?

You can’t run alongside your grown children with sunscreen and Chapstick

“You can’t run alongside your grown children with sunscreen and Chapstick on their hero’s journey.”

Anne Lamott, American writer, political activist, and writing teacher

Image from Unsplash by Kelly Sikkema

What are your thoughts about being a good parent? If you happen to be blessed with little ones of your own — even if they are fully grown — I am sure you have plenty to share!

Examine how you interacted with them at different ages. How protective were you in their infant and toddler years? How did things stay the same or change as they got older and exerted increased independence?  To what degree did you keep them in bubble wrap or let them out of their packaging to experience the world on their own?


In what ways do your current parenting strategies support your children in becoming all they can be?

What adjustments may be appropriate for them to fully discover and develop their inner hero?

the highest expression of love

“Nothing is a stronger influence psychologically on their environment and especially on their children, than the unlived lives of their parents.”

-Carl Gustav Jung, 19th Century Swiss Founder of Analytical Psychology

Image of a father and daughter

Image from Flickr by Michelle Ress

Parenting is perhaps the highest expression of love I can imagine. Having two special kids in Dan and Rachel⏤now 31 and 29 years old⏤I know both my wife and I would do anything to support their happiness.

Jung’s statement caused me to ponder just how good a job we are all doing, coaching our children through the lives we live and the examples we set.

How excited are you when you share your life pursuits and adventures with your children?

How much dismay or regret do you experience as you look back, even on today, or into the days ahead? It’s not too late to turn things around or turbo-charge your efforts. I’m sure your children are still watching!


How and in what ways can and will you step into living an even more extraordinary life as an example of what is possible for those you love, especially your children?