“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.”

“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.”

– Jim Rohn, entrepreneur, author, and motivational speaker

As many of the readers of The Quotable Coach series know, one of my core values is health, and one of my habits is daily exercise.

The other day, I watched a special 3-month-long boot-camp session at my club and saw how the trainer and the participants created a rigorously, supportive and highly-disciplined environment to bridge the gap between each participant’s goal and the accomplishment of real objective results.


What areas of your professional or personal life are lacking the discipline needed to reach your goals?

Hire a coach (or drill sergeant) to support your efforts with a customized “boot-camp” to grow and strengthen your discipline muscle.

An alternative is to find a personal or professional partner and provide support for each other.