“One resolution I have made and always try to keep is this: to rise above the little things.”

“One resolution I have made and always try to keep is this: to rise above the little things.”

– John Burrows, American naturalist and essayist

489Image from Flickr by Dave M Photography.

Are you familiar with the term “pot hole”? Here in Michigan, these holes in our roads have become a substantial issue. It is becoming increasingly difficult to navigate our roadways to reach our destinations without bumps and substantial zigging and zagging.

Consider what “pot holes” in your personal and professional life are slowing you down, getting in your way or simply taking up attention that would be better focused on other matters.


How will you rise above these issues or simply patch these holes for good and move faster toward your objectives?

“Enjoy the little things, for one day, you may look back and realize they were the big things.”

“Enjoy the little things, for one day, you may look back and realize they were the big things.”

– Robert Brault, freelance writer

The human mind is an amazing thing. It provides us with a phenomenal capacity to learn, to create, to solve problems and to remember.

There was recently a TV crime show where the detective had a photographic memory – she could remember every single detail. For most of us, this is impossible and in many cases, undesirable. We need to restrict what enters our mind to simply get through our days with a degree of balance and sanity.

Of course we want to remember and cherish those big events, such as graduations, weddings, new jobs and the births of our children. But what about those little things – those simple pleasures of each day that add to the richness of life?


Develop a “little things” journal to capture the small and highly important life events that happen each day.

Block out 30 minutes over this coming weekend to start your list with at least 100 of these little things, which may actually be the big things that make life so meaningful.