“Look at everything as though you are seeing it for the first time, with the eyes of a child, fresh with wonder.”

“Look at everything as though you are seeing it for the first time, with the eyes of a child, fresh with wonder.”

– Joseph Cornell, artist and sculptor

Image from Flickr by
I just returned from my morning workout at my local fitness center. Guess what I found?  You’re right – lots of new faces intending to start off the new year with a renewed commitment to their fitness and well being.

The annual New Year celebration in Times Square often includes an aging Father Time and a newborn representing the year ahead.

Take Cornell’s coaching here and begin by looking at all things in the light of wonder and possibility, to make this your best year ever.


Look at your current vocation, avocations, relationships, habits and even your food choices, and explore tasting and experiencing all of these with a fresh new perspective.

Consider replying to let me know what actions you take and what happens.