“Our brains become magnetized with the dominant thoughts we hold in our minds and…”

“Our brains become magnetized with the dominant thoughts we hold in our minds and by means with which no man is familiar, these ‘magnets’ attract to us the forces, the people and the circumstances of life which harmonize with the nature of our dominant thoughts.”

– Napoleon Hill, early self-help author

I’ve broken one of my own guidelines to share this quote by Napoleon Hill. It is much longer than the quotes I normally use – and yet a fundamental premise of coaching is being willing to go outside your comfort zone, or break a pattern so a new world can emerge.

Perhaps by breaking a self-imposed rule here, I’ve simply embraced my own coaching in order to bring wise thinking to you and to others.


There is a new TV series on the science channel called Futurescape, narrated by James Woods:


In one of the first episodes they will be reviewing research from New York University on the ability to read our thoughts.

What are your dominant thoughts and how are they manifesting in the reality of your life?

If you could simply make a switch to a more entertaining, engaging and prosperous “channel” in your life, what would the programming be?