“The Olympic Games are the quadrennial celebration of the springtime of humanity.”

“The Olympic Games are the quadrennial celebration of the springtime of humanity.”

– Pierre de Coubertin, founder of the modern Olympic Games

457Image from Flickr by Jon Curnow.

As much as the Olympics is a coming-together of the best athletes in the world, it is also about the world coming together to celebrate our collective humanity.


With the winter games beginning, how can you bring your own Olympic spirit to your various communities to foster and celebrate your own springtime of humanity?

“The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning…”

“The most important thing in the Olympic Games is not winning but taking part; the essential thing in life is not conquering but fighting well.”

– Pierre de Coubertin, founder of the modern Olympic Games

458Image from Flickr by Jodimu

The 1992 Olympic Games inspired me to pursue coaching as a career. Beyond gold medal individual achievement, it is the fundamental pursuit of excellence that drives me. I also enjoy how, in many different ways, the Olympics is a wonderful expression of my life vision as described below:

My life vision is a healthy, peaceful, beautiful world of extraordinary relationships, great accomplishments, and integrity; an exciting world of respect, dignity, leadership, courage, and honor, where all people generously and passionately contribute their best to one another.

(You can find out more about my vision, mission and coaching philosophy here: www.dempcoaching.com/my-coaching-philosophy.)


If you happen to also be a champion of the “Olympic Spirit”, consider replying to let me know what the Games mean to you.