Becoming is Better than Being.”

—Carol S. Dweck, Stanford University Professor of Psychology

Image of Mindest Book Cover

I consider myself a “work in progress,” a lifelong learner, and of course, a Coach, who is in the business of helping others become a better version of themselves in as many areas of life as they desire.

The book Mindset, by Carol S. Dweck describes the fixed and growth mindsets that apply to each of us to various degrees. Attributes of each include:

Skills, abilities and intelligence are static Intelligence and ability can be developed through effort
Works from a “judge and be judged” framework Learning occurs from setbacks
Avoids obstacles & challenges
Gives up earlier in the process
Often ignores feedback
Open and receptive to feedback
The success of others poses a threat to them The success of others is a model to guide their own success journey
You can’t teach an old dog new tricks You can teach an old dog new tricks


Where can you augment and fan the flames of your own growth mindset to become the best “YOU” possible?

How can you serve as a coach or mentor for others to help them become all they can be?