“If we take care of the moments, the years will take care of themselves.”

—Maria Edgeworth, 19th Century Anglo-Irish Writer

Image of a Zen Pond

Image from Flickr by gillyan9

A few months ago, I reintroduced daily meditation into my life for many reasons, including stress reduction, greater self-awareness, enhanced patience, and an overall increase in mindfulness.

I have a strong desire to be more present to the people and events in my life.

Although my mind experiences many “trips down memory lane,” and adventures into the day ahead, I am making progress in being in the moment. One significant benefit I’ve experienced is a far greater capacity to choose my thoughts, perceptions, and reactions to events around me.

I also find myself being far more intentional and more productive and fulfilled.


What strategies might you employ to be more present to the moments of your life so the years ahead are even more rewarding?