Friday Review: Clarity

Friday Review: Clarity

Where do you go to seek clarity? Here are a few related posts you may have missed.

“You don’t need clarity on the rest of your life, just on what’s next in your life.”




Sometimes just stopping makes space for something new to show up.




“Before picking up the phone, pause for a moment and think about the purpose of the call.”





“The heart is not a knee that can be bent.”

“The heart is not a knee that can be bent.”

—Senegalese proverb

Image from Unsplash by Willian de Oliveira

We live in two fifty-five and older senior communities — one in Pennsylvania, one in Florida. For many of us, the added trips around the sun come with various maladies — including conditions related to the wear and tear on hips, shoulders, and — given today’s quote — knees.

Some of the people I know have experienced many of these conditions on multiple occasions. What always inspires me are their courageous hearts, which have them face their challenges and continue to take each step to live as fully and meaningfully as possible.


How does your own courageous heart help you stand tall and steady when life tries to bend you over and knock you down?

Purpose is the reason you journey. Passion is the fire that lights your way.

“Purpose is the reason you journey. Passion is the fire that lights your way.”


Image from Unsplash by Brett Jordan

Passion and purpose are definitely the one-two punch of success and achievement.

Having one without the other is often not enough for us to persist and stay the course.

Many of us feel the pull of purpose to begin our journeys only to be faced with dark times that slow us down or stop us completely.

To keep the lights on and the fires burning we need the inner flames of passion when we stumble.

Passion give us the strength and resilience to pick ourselves up and take the next step and the next.


How passionate and purposeful do you feel in your current personal and professional efforts?

How can you summon this powerful pair to punch through anything that may be standing in your way?

Drink in each moment and savor them slowly.

Drink in each moment and savor them slowly.

—Calm App Reflection

Image from Unsplash by Mineragua Sparkling Water

To what degree do you race through your life?

Some ways to estimate your pace is to examine your driving habits or the time it takes to eat your meals.

Sometimes — if you are like many of us — you do both at the same time.

Driving fast and eating fast food are clearly not wise things to do.

If you have ever taken the Real Age test, you already know that these behaviors can reduce your biologic age to something below your chronological age.


Schedule a candlelit meal with your significant other.

Block out twice as much time as you usually do to sip and savor your meal and the time with this special person.

Where else in your life may you be missing the full flavors of life?

How could slowing down and drinking in more moments add more life to your years?

When we investigate and anticipate the exciting and enjoyable aspects of the future, we enhance our happiness

When we investigate and anticipate the exciting and enjoyable aspects of the future, we enhance our happiness

—Calm App Reflection

Image from Unsplash by Rachael Gorjestani

How do you usually feel on Friday compared to Monday? If you have engaging plans for the weekend or have a career you enjoy, your answer is usually very positive for both scenarios.

What happens to many working folks on Sunday evenings if their jobs don’t exactly light them up?

The situations above are examples of positive and negative “Creative Tension,”  where the nature of the future has a significant effect on our moods and overall satisfaction with life.


In what ways can you be more intentional with your life to use the power of “creative tension” to envision and realize more of your hopes and dreams?

On a Scale from One to Ten

On a Scale from One to Ten… This post is a fill in the blank exercise.

Image from Unsplash by Mike Tinnion

Consider the following statements and choose the number (1-10) that represents where you are today.

My level of happiness is_______
The quality of my relationships is_______
My mental and physical health score______ and _____
My career satisfaction is_______
The level of balance and personal freedom I experience is_______


Create a list of one to ten items for 2023 and rate yourself.

Consider partnering with a friend, colleague, family member or coach to clarify, pursue and achieve far more tens in the year ahead.

A useful book that can help with this exercise is Your Best Year Yet by Ginny Ditzler.

Friday Review: BEHAVIOR

Friday Review: BEHAVIOR

What do your behaviors say about you? Here are a few related posts you may have missed.

Upgrade your morning routine to get an even better start to your day. What small or significant adjustments will you make?





To be. To do. To have. Take life in this order.





“Your beliefs don’t make you a better person — your behavior does.”






Life is harder when you expect a lot of the world and little of yourself

“Life is harder when you expect a lot of the world and little of yourself. Life is easier when you expect a lot of yourself and little of the world. High standards, Low expectations.”

James Clear, Author of Atomic Habits

Image from Unsplash by Call Me Fred

How often do you find yourself upset when things don’t go your way?

If we wait for things outside our control to fulfill our expectations, we’re sure to be in for a very bumpy ride.

Alternatively, if we look within our own mindset and efforts, we can definitely adjust our approach to outside events.


How can you maintain high standards while monitoring and managing the expectations you have for yourself and the world around you?

“What is a learning that has changed your perspective or how you operate?”

“What is a learning that has changed your perspective or how you operate?”

Rohan Rajiv, author of A Learning a Day blog

Image from Unsplash by Ruffa Jane Reyes

One lesson I’ve learned over the years is to play with a contrarian perspective on things. This often entails doing things in new and different ways, and at times when other folks don’t or won’t.

This has come in handy when it comes to shopping.

This past weekend it wasn’t possible to beat the crowds with my usual early morning shopping adventure.

I found myself faced with a packed parking lot. Instead of circling and circling looking for those elusive open spots I used another learning of looking for people who were walking to their vehicles so I could take their spot once they’d left.


Please reply to this post with a learning that has changed your perspective or how you operate in life.

Friday Review: Sharing

Friday Review: Sharing

How open are you to sharing your life, your possessions, your wisdom, and your pain? Here are a few related posts you may have missed.

“Leave a little behind.”





“If you are really thankful, what do you do? You share.”





“Ideas, bread, and books are all the same. They’re better when they are shared.”