“Individual willpower is a shallow container from which to draw energy.”

“Individual willpower is a shallow container from which to draw energy.”

Omar Brownson, co-host of the Gratitude Blooming Podcast

Image from Unsplash by Dose Juice

Most of you know that I am a morning person. It’s the time of day when I have the greatest energy and discipline. On most days I meditate, exercise, and eat my oatmeal on the run before I dash into my schedule.

As the day progresses, I use snacks and a few doses of caffeine to keep up the pace. Lunchtime is often a quick affair, with only modestly healthy choices if I neglect to have something prepared.

By three in the afternoon, I’m pretty pooped and most of my disciplined efforts are nowhere to be found. Happily, an occasional power nap sets things right and I’m good until 10:00 p.m., when I head to bed to fully recharge for the next day.


When do you have the greatest energy and discipline in your days? How can and do you apply this awareness to accomplish your highest priorities and commitments?

You find yourself refreshed by the presence of cheerful people

“You find yourself refreshed by the presence of cheerful people. Why not make an earnest effort to confer that pleasure on others?”

Lydia Maria Francis Child, 19th Century American Social Reformer

Image from Unsplash by Tyler Nix

Who are the people in your life that always exude a cheerful disposition? Who are those that smile at you and seem to be genuinely happy to see you whenever you connect?

When you think of them how do you feel? What sensations do you experience, and how does your mood and attitude shift as you anticipate each encounter?

Shift things around for a minute and consider how many of these people would put you on their list of happy, peppy people? How do you brighten the room, or pull down the room darkening curtains when you show up?


Look up the books FISH and Make Their Day to see how you can brighten the lives of others. Don’t be surprised if you benefit from the boomerang of cheerfulness that comes your way in return.

Be aware of your attitude and energy

Be aware of your attitude and energy. Making mindful transitions helps your mode meet the moment.

—Calm App Reflection

Image from Unsplash by Patrick Hendry

How masterful are you at tuning into your inner and outer worlds?

How aware are you of your current attitude and energy levels?

How in sync are they with the people and events around you?

Seeing when the pieces fit and feeling when those flow states show up is the best! Wouldn’t it be nice if these conditions could be sustained for hours instead of minutes?

What makes this so difficult may be that we are constantly experiencing more and more transition states that require constant pivoting and adjustments.

Consider all the various sporting events in which you participate or watch.

Mastering the transition game is what separates the good from the great.


In what ways can you mindfully monitor your attitude and energy to have more of your modes meet more of your moments?

Don’t lose your temper, use it

“Don’t lose your temper, use it.”

Dolly Parton, American musician, actress, philanthropist, and businesswoman

Image from Unsplash by Icons8 Team

Although anger is an emotion most of us prefer not to experience, it does have immense power if harnessed toward good rather than its dark side.

When force faces off with opposing force things usually go poorly. Standing for things we value and believe in is far more powerful that being against issues and people with whom we differ.

When we stand for our beliefs, we exude an energy that can attract and enroll others to consider alternative perspectives and find common ground.


Where and how can you use your temper instead of losing it?

When you are furious, get curious!

Life begets life. Energy creates energy. It is by spending myself that I become rich.

“Life begets life. Energy creates energy. It is by spending myself that I become rich.”

Sarah Bernhardt, 20th Century French Actress

Image from Unsplash by The Tampa Bay Estuary Program

Today’s quote brings a lot to consider! Each sentence could easily be a post on its own. It’s the third sentence that captured my soulful interest today.

In economic terms, it is clear that when we spend our money we have less following our transactions.

The concept of spending oneself on matters of great significance is very different. Pouring ourselves into important matters and the people we love creates a richness money just can’t buy.


Which part of today’s quote sparks the greatest interest for you?

Please share your perspectives from your own rich experiences.

“It’s easier to have the vigor of youth when you’re old than the wisdom of age when you are young.”

“It’s easier to have the vigor of youth when you’re old than the wisdom of age when you are young.”

Richard J. Needham, 20th Century Canadian humor columnist

Image from Unsplash by Maarten van den Hovel

One of the many bonuses of moving back to Pennsylvania is that we are now neighbors with our cousins Paul and Carol. Paul is the patriarch of our family since the passing of my dad a little over two years ago.

One of the many things we all admire about Paul is his boundless energy. In his early eighties, he still works two part-time jobs, runs five miles a day, and plays a mean game of ping pong! In early July, he attended five concerts in one week with his daughter, down the Jersey shore.

We all agree that Paul definitely rocks—and has a pretty good voice when the music is turned up.


How can you maintain the vigor of youth as you continue down the path of greater wisdom?

Who are the roles models that guide and coach you in the development of these qualities?

Sometimes, to keep going, we have to allow ourselves to stop.

“Sometimes, to keep going, we have to allow ourselves to stop.”

Gretchen Rubin, NY Times Bestselling Author, Podcaster, Speaker

Image from Unsplash by Shane

It wasn’t until I had grandchildren that I learned “happy hour” was a new definition for a nap.

Regardless of my meditation practices, exercise efforts, and nutritional pursuits with the latest super foods, just a handful of hours with our two little ones drains most of the pep from my steps.

With some adjustments to our schedules, we have found ways to include the kids in some of our renewal and recharging efforts, including lots of quiet cuddling with pop-pop and grand-mom.


Where and when in your life do you feel the greatest need to stop in order to keep going?

How can you monitor and manage your energy levels to optimize your intentions and actions?

Consider picking up a copy of The Power of Full Engagement if this post resonates.

When we feel burned out and depleted

When we feel burned out and depleted sometimes we need to plug into a new source of energy that renews and restores. Resting is only one available option.

—Calm App Reflection

Image from Unsplash by Clint Patterson

When was the last time you experienced burnout or a significant state of energy depletion?

To what degree was this experience physical, mental, emotional, or even spiritual?

Beyond our frequent default of resting, what other ways have you discovered to plug in to a different energy source when your get up and go is gone?


Imagine you were a vehicle with four separate fuel tanks labeled physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

How might tapping into another tank when your current tank points to “E” be a hidden source of renewal you’ve never considered?

Consider checking out the book The Power of Full Engagement for other ways to manage similar situations when you are out of gas.

Compassion compounds, giving grows, when you put positive energy into the world

“Compassion compounds, giving grows, when you put positive energy into the world, you inspire others to pay it forward.”

Jay Shetty, Purpose Coach, Former Monk, NYT Bestselling Author

Image from Amazon

During my pharmaceutical career with The Upjohn Company between 1981 and 1992, we went through a TQM (Total Quality Management) initiative. As part of our efforts, we were requested/required to read the book Zapp — The lightning of Empowerment by William C Byham PhD and Jeff Cox. The intent was to inspire and create a culture of quality, productivity, and exceptional employee engagement.

The fictitious company in the book produced a product called a normalator, with which we are amusingly introduced to all sorts of Zapping (positive) and Sapping (negative) behaviors that uplift or squash people’s spirits.


Notice the zapping and sapping energies and behaviors that occur throughout your day in your personal and professional efforts.

Where and how can you pay forward the positive qualities that energize and inspire others to do the same?

Friday Review: Energy

Friday Review: Energy

What energizes you? How energetic do you feel most days? Here are a few related posts you may have missed.

“Energy is contagious: either you affect people or you infect people.”




“A day of worry is more exhausting than a week of work.”




“The best cure for a sluggish mind is to disturb its routine.”