Be aware of your attitude and energy

Be aware of your attitude and energy. Making mindful transitions helps your mode meet the moment.

—Calm App Reflection

Image from Unsplash by Patrick Hendry

How masterful are you at tuning into your inner and outer worlds?

How aware are you of your current attitude and energy levels?

How in sync are they with the people and events around you?

Seeing when the pieces fit and feeling when those flow states show up is the best! Wouldn’t it be nice if these conditions could be sustained for hours instead of minutes?

What makes this so difficult may be that we are constantly experiencing more and more transition states that require constant pivoting and adjustments.

Consider all the various sporting events in which you participate or watch.

Mastering the transition game is what separates the good from the great.


In what ways can you mindfully monitor your attitude and energy to have more of your modes meet more of your moments?