“Probably the most neglected friend you have is you.”

—L. Ron Hubbard, Founder of the Church of Scientology

Image of a man photographing himself in a mirror

Image from Flickr by joelleen

Who are your very closest and best friends? Take a moment to list them by name. You may even choose to look back to your school years, and the different cities or towns in which you have lived throughout your life.

Did you put yourself on the list?

If you didn’t, you are not alone.

For some reason, the majority of people who take on this exercise rarely include themselves.
What are the reasons for the omission?
Why do so many of us neglect, ignore, or simply not consider our relationship with ourselves of paramount importance?


How and in what ways can you befriend yourself far more, from this point forward?
Consider reversing the Golden Rule and do for yourself what you do for others, as a starting point.