“Some people drink from the fountain of knowledge, others just gargle.”
– Robert Anthony, PhD and Hypnotherapist

Photo from Flickr by Martina Yach
During coaching sessions, I often refer to the reasonably extensive collection of books in my office.
I highlight, underline, and do a good bit of writing throughout the pages of these books, to enhance my ingestion and digestion of these nuggets of knowledge.
For me, a good book is not only an investment of $20, it is an investment of many hours of my life. It is time in which I intend to embrace the considerable value each author hoped to share with readers such as myself.
Notice where you drink and/or gargle from the fountain of knowledge. What small or large adjustments can you make to these efforts to impact your life for the better?
Pay particular attention today to your engagement with all forms of information, including everything from the great works of fiction and non-fiction to the wide variety of social media choices available.