“I’ve got some advice for the young. If you’ve got anything you really want to do, don’t wait until you’re 93.”

Charlie Munger, late philanthropist and Vice-Chairman of Berkshire Hathaway

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My wife and I are snowbirds, spending around three months of the year in Florida. In our community there, we are members of various clubs and engage in numerous activities to keep that youthful pep in our steps.

A few weeks ago, we took a day trip to Fort Myers with about 35 other seniors.

Along with the 2½ hour bus ride, our excursion included a delicious buffet lunch and a fantastic production of the Carole King musical, Beautiful.

Although many of our bus mates were moving a bit slower than in years past, they clearly weren’t waiting to seek and find more beautiful things about life.


Regardless of your age, where in your life are you waiting for “some day” to do the things you want?

As Sam Horn’s book title declares: Someday is Not a Day of the Week.