“Maturity is arriving at a sense of enoughness.”
David Whyte, English poet, speaker and organizational thinker

Image from Unsplash by Felicia Buitenwerf
Enoughness may be a better word to use instead of balance these days.
Consider the recent holidays. Where, when, how, and with whom did you go a bit or a bunch overboard in any or all of the following:
- Eating
- Drinking
- Spending Money
- Sleeping
- Watching TV
- Being overly merry
What are some of the down sides of excessiveness in these and other areas that come to mind?
Where are there places in your daily life—beyond holidays and weekends—where the drive for more or too much to handle is actually too much for your own good?
Where would a bit less, some restraint, moderation, and a greater grasp on enoughness in your world help you gain greater maturity and yes, greater balance in your life?