When it comes to living a meaningful life, whose opinion and feedback truly matters?

—Calm App Reflection

Image from Unsplash by David Travis

How is your life going? How engaged, fulfilled and at home in your own skin do you feel?

These questions are pondered by many of us from time to time or perhaps all the time.

As conscious sentient beings, it’s our nature to contemplate our place in the world and consider why we’re here and if we are making the most of our journey.

On more than a few occasions we get confused, feel thwarted in our efforts and can’t find our way.

At times like these, we can all benefit from some guidance and direction from outside sources.


Who are the people that offer you the most useful perspective and feedback on the things that truly matter?

How can and will you take full advantage of these supportive resources during the holiday season and heading into the new year?

One thought on “

  1. There is one person I trust over anyone else to provide me with feedback on the issues that truly matter, my wife. After 40+ years of marriage, she has yet to offer my bad advice or steer me wrong. She’s smarter than me as well.

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