“The gravity of the status quo is so strong.”

“The gravity of the status quo is so strong.”

—From a webinar with Michael Bungay Stainer and Chip Conley

Image from Unsplash by Mark König

Tidal Locking is a term used in astronomy where a planet or moon does not rotate on its own axis as it travels around a star or planet. Two examples of tidal locking are the moon that circles our earth and Mercury as it circles the Sun.

In both cases these celestial bodies only show one side of themselves to the objects they orbit.

Where in your life are you tidally locked to the status quo?

In what ways are you traveling around the world, operating in the same ways, showing the same face in all your interactions?


What steps can you take to diminish the gravitational pull of the status quo?

What patterns can you break to have new worlds emerge in your life?