“Don’t try to teach a whole course in one lesson.”
—Kathryn Murray, Ballroom Dancer

Photo from Flickr by Shaver Ross
Two months into the new year and already I see a large number of people frustrated, slowed down, or completely stopped in the pursuit of their personal and/or professional goals.
One of the most common reasons for setbacks is the desire and attempt to do too much too quickly, which results in being overwhelmed, losing focus, and of course, a lack of the anticipated results.
It is appropriate, in such situations, to regroup and establish a new course of action with far fewer steps and far more finite and reasonable expectations.
Select one – and only one – important professional or personal project that is not going as you desire where you have tried to do too much too quickly.
Break this project into smaller, more digestible nuggets and spread them out over a longer time frame, to achieve the results you wanted the first time.