How are you challenging and stretching your capabilities? Put yourself to the test to expand your growth potential.

—Calm App Reflection

Barry and Ella

Our granddaughter Ella is an exuberant and expressive little girl.

She looks up to her six-year-old brother and wants to do whatever he’s doing, and more. She has little or no fear and abruptly objects whenever anyone tries doing things for her.

When it comes to buckling her car seat, peeling a mandarin orange, going on an amusement ride, or eating with chopsticks, she’s always up for the challenge.


How and in what ways are you challenging and stretching your capabilities?

Where can and will you put yourself to the test with greater exuberance and realize more of your growth potential?


One thought on “

  1. Ah, the grandchildren… I am so grateful that I am well versed in DISC styles and motivators because that information alone is so helpful as I try to support them in their growth as little people.
    The challenge still exists though… when one has a style that is our Achilles’ Heel. And they feel it and know it.
    Talk about the need for transparency and authenticity. I am exhausted trying align with our littles… but gosh I love ’em to death, am so proud of who they are as individuals and so enjoy being a part of their lives!!

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