“I love you a bushel and a peck…”

 Image from Amazon

Today’s quote is the beginning of a song written by Frank Loesser in 1950 and recorded by Doris Day. My mom sang it to me as a child.

Pecks and bushels are standard forms of dry measurement. A peck is about two gallons. A bushel is four pecks.

This expression was used to emphasize large amounts, as in the love of a mother for her child.

With today being Valentine’s Day, it seems appropriate to let those you love very much know how you feel in some measurable and meaningful way.


Please read or reread one of my favorite books, The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman to help spread bushels and pecks of love to the special people in your life.


One thought on “

  1. Thanks for today’s message (Valentines). My wife and I are part of a Marriage Mentors team in our church. It’s been both a challenging and rewarding experience for us. We use the 5 Love Languages and Emerson Eggerichs’ Love & Respect extensively. If a couple have these two concepts cornered, they will live “happily ever after”.

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