“My joy in learning is partly that it enables me to teach.”
—Seneca, first century Roman philosopher

Image from Unsplash by jeshoots.com
My coaching relationships begins with several “discovery” sessions in which my clients crystallize and clarify what they wish to learn and how they intend to grow.
I often joke with them that they are pursuing “A PhD in Me” through this unique and customized relationship.
In the early stages, they may look to me or others they respect and watch how we lead, manage, coach, or communicate. Very quickly they begin practicing and engaging in similar efforts to further their mastery journey. Soon after, or even at the same time, I encourage them to play the role of coach, mentor, or teacher to share what they are learning with others.
Where and with whom can you be a teacher to more joyfully experience the pleasure of learning and contribute more of yourself to others?