Practice the art of mindful breathing whenever you wish to reduce stress and experience calm. Your breath can inspire and in-spirit you.

—Calm App Reflection

Image from Unsplash by bobby hendry

About three weeks ago I reached a meditation milestone of 1200 consecutive days. This practice, which began before the pandemic, has helped me reduce stress, remain calm, and—when things get out of balance—not lose my head nearly as often as others.

Fundamental to this practice is the act of mindful breathing which helps body, mind and soul navigate our daily pursuits in all the minutes and hours off the cushion.


Consider signing up for a free trial membership of a mediation app such as CALM or Headspace. If this commitment seems beyond your current interest, please investigate the wide variety of breathing exercises out there that can inspire and in-sprit you. Please give these efforts at least a week and let me know what you experience.

2 thoughts on “

  1. Always a good reminder to breathe, think before speaking and to minimize situational stress.
    Some of us get more opportunities to practice than others. 🙂

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