“Show up for people in pain and don’t look away.”

Brene Brown, research professor at the University of Houston

Image from Unsplash by Susan Wilkinson

These past few years, I’ve seen more pain in my world and in the world at large than I can ever remember.

Today’s quote hit me hard in that I’ve probably been looking away more times than I’d like to admit.

This year I’ve seen family members and some very close friends get hit hard both physically and emotionally.

I’m finally getting the sobering message that pain is a significant part of life and an integral part of our journeys.


Who in your life is experiencing considerable pain?

Where would leaning in instead of looking away be the best medicine you could offer to help those in need of relief?

One thought on “

  1. This really is important, Barry. As we focus on authenticity, transparency and equity – we invite people to just be themselves. This means certain aspects of people’s lives were considered stigma and unacceptable to discuss.
    Thankfully that door is now open and we have to work our way through it. We need more education for the general population on how to be trauma-informed and how to support others who have been or are going through through the fire.

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