Impatience is an argument with reality

“Impatience is an argument with reality.”

—Sue Heatherington,

Image from Unsplash by Erik Wits

A few weeks ago, Wendy and I were scheduled to attend a sweetheart dance beginning at 5:30 PM. As the clock approached our time to leave for this event, the skies opened up with a torrent of rain. I pride myself on being on time or early, so I forged out the door — umbrella in hand — to fulfill our commitment.

Needless to say, my impatience soaked me anyway, especially my feet which provided a sock-squishing reminder throughout the dance. To my surprise and dismay, the rain stopped completely the moment we arrived!


When do you find yourself arguing with reality?

Where has the lack of patience caused you more trouble than a pair of soggy socks?

Where would a good dose of equanimity serve you best?