“It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.”
– Aristotle, Greek Philosopher & Student of Plato

Photo from Flickr by RasMarley
For centuries, people believed the world was flat. Aristotle himself considered that “fact” long and hard before he accepted the spherical shape of the Earth on empirical grounds around 330 BC. Today “flat earth” thinking won’t get the job done.
Aristotle suggests that the ability to think through an issue without the issue having a good/bad, true/false, yes/no perspective is an indicator of educated intellect. In some regards, an open mind is an access point to creativity and invention.
Consider, as you go through your day, how quickly you accept or reject a thought, a statement, a request, without “entertaining” the possibility of its validity. What can you learn about yourself and your life by being willing to let go of immediate judgments or decisions?