“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.”
– Victor Frankl, Austrian psychologist and Holocaust survivor

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This has been a particularly challenging week for a number of my clients, colleagues, friends and even family members. Unfortunately many of the situations they found themselves in were not within their control.
As Ari Weizweig, the CEO of Zingerman’s said, we’re not always living on “planet fair.” Feeling the upset and acknowledging it is a key first step to experiencing freedom from anger that could continue to poison our perceptions, attitudes and relationships.
Assuming the responsibility to change yourself in such situations means you are going to move forward and work toward a positive value-centered future as quickly as possible.
Acknowledge at least one upsetting event in your personal or professional life where you are not able to change the situation.
Determine how you will change your perception, attitude or behavior and regain the freedom to move confidently forward in your life.