“It’s worth remembering that it is often the small steps, not the giant leaps, that bring about the most lasting change.”

Queen Elizabeth II, who ruled The United Kingdom for 70+ years

Image from Unsplash by Caroline Hernandez

Leaping tall buildings in a single bound is the stuff of superman comics.

Although we all want to make a dent in the universe, we so often see only our human limits and often avoid the little steps forward because they appear too small.

We’ve heard time and time again that all great journeys begin with that first step, yet we often forget that it is the second and third that create the momentum to stay the course.

It is also when we step together within our communities that mountains are moved as we shape and reshape our world.


Where in your personal or professional life are you reluctant to step forward?

How can and will you partner with others to produce the lasting changes you desire?

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