“Quarrels would not last long if the fault were only on one side.”
-Francois Duc de la Rochefoucauld, 17th Century French Author

Image from Times of Malta
How often do you observe quarrels in your personal or professional worlds? If, for some reason, you don’t see much, simply take a look at our political environment and the resulting media circus!
Since it clearly takes two to tango, why is it that many of us blame others for missing a step or for stepping on each others toes?
What if, instead of pointing our index finger at others, we acknowledge the three fingers pointing back at us and take greater responsibility for our current realities?
What would happen in your relationships and your world if you looked at what’s right and good about others, and take greater responsibility for the quarrels you may experience?
I feel I am good at negotiating in relationships. I do take responsibility for my actions and my life. My significant other and myself rarely have a disagreement. We have learned how to communicate effectly to avoid pointing the finger.