“To love a person is to see all of their magic and to remind them of it when they have forgotten.”

— Author Unknown

Image from Flickr by Linus Bohman

Image from Flickr by Linus Bohman

As part of my signature Personal Excellence Training, I spend an entire day with my client, getting to know them well and fully understanding their vision, values, and goals. This investment of time creates a special partnership called coaching, in which, over time, the magic of each individual is discovered and enhanced.

Throughout this coaching journey, most people experience setbacks and doubts about themselves, and their capacity to achieve their most cherished goals. We all need a committed and loving supporter to remind us of our magic when difficult times cause us to forget.


How can you demonstrate your love and caring for others by seeing their magic and reminding them of it when they forget?

Who are the caring people in your personal or professional worlds who could play this role for you?