“The glass ceiling doesn’t apply when you’re building your own house.”

—Heidi Roizen, American Venture Capitalist and Entrepreneur

Image from Unsplash by Kyle Brinker

Did you know that if you place a bunch of fleas in a jar with a glass lid they will eventually stop trying to jump out even if you remove the lid?

Glass ceilings — and ceilings in general — seem to be a fact of life where the world and even we, ourselves, place limits on how high and how far we can soar.

What do some of these limitations sound like when you hear them from family members, friends, colleagues and even your own inner voice?

In recent years, people have pursued their own personal and professional paths, cleared of many of these ceilings, letting new horizons and sunnier futures of their own creation occur.


Where in your worlds are you limited by glass ceilings?

How can you courageously break through these barriers to have a custom-made house, built just for you?