“Trust is earned when actions meet words.”

“Trust is earned when actions meet words.”

—attributed to a Chris Butler

Image from Unsplash by Ronda Dorsey

When I choose a quote for this blog I use a variety of criteria.

I always look for a message that strikes a chord with me, related to living a meaningful life.

A second thing I look for is a message that isn’t too wordy. Usually, a sentence or two is the goal.

A third factor is if the quote is catchy and has a rhyming component. If the message isn’t memorable, how can it provide the stickiness to have its wisdom stick beyond the initial reading?


How can and will you apply the rhyming words of today’s quote to build greater trust through your actions in your various communities?

If you have an extra minute, please reply to this post with one of your own favorite rhyming quotes.