Friday Review Praise


Praise packs a potent level of empowerment. Here are a few praise-related posts you may have missed. Click to read the full message.


“Rain and sun are to the flower as praise and encouragement are to the human spirit.”




“Praise does wonders for our sense of hearing.”




“There is no verbal vitamin more potent than praise.”




the potency of praise

“There is no verbal vitamin more potent than praise.”

—Dr. Frederick B. Harris, Neurosurgeon

imge of a "praise pill" in a hand

How high of a priority is your health?

What are your daily habits related to exercise, nutrition, and your overall well-being? Do you eat any of the super-foods identified in my post titled You Are What You Eat? How about your use of supplements and a multivitamin to keep all things working optimally?

When it comes to quality relationships and supporting others in pursuing and being their very best, praise packs a potent level of empowerment.


Where and with whom would it be most deserved, or make the biggest difference, to offer far more praise and acknowledgement of others in your worlds?

Also see this post from a few weeks ago.

Praise Does Wonders

“Praise does wonders for our sense of hearing.”

—Arnold Glasgow, Psychologist

Image of earplugs

Image from Flickr by Team Omega Racing

If you’ve ever been to a loud concert, or slept next to someone who snores, you know the value of a good set of earplugs!

When we consider the difference between what people say and what others hear, we may think that some people forget to remove their earplugs when they rise in the morning.

Those little foam rubber buds may protect our ears from harsh noises, but we may also want to investigate the harsh judgements and criticism we choose to hear or block out.


How would more praise and acknowledgement improve our ability to listen, hear, and relate to one another?

“Rain and sun are to the flower as praise and encouragement are to the human spirit.”

“Rain and sun are to the flower as praise and encouragement are to the human spirit.”

—Author Unknown


Image from Flickr by solarisgirl

As a former science teacher, I am fascinated by the process of photosynthesis – that plants can use sunlight to make their own food seems nothing short of a miracle.

Man—and virtually all animals—eat these plants as our way of sustaining life. Yet we are feeding only the body portion of ourselves – leaving our souls and spirits a bit empty.


How can you feed others the important nutrient of praise and acknowledgement, and surround yourself with others who will offer it to you in return?