Let tomorrow come tomorrow

“Let tomorrow come tomorrow.”

—Author Unknown

Image from Unsplash by Brian McGowan

To what degree are you a clock watcher? How often do you check your watch, cell phone, wall clock, or your digital assistant to determine the time? When you do, how often are you seeing how much time is left before your next item on your schedule? How often do you determine how long you must wait until an upcoming event that you desire or dread?

A frequent example for many people is to check the time at night during what is supposed to be a restful night’s sleep. How often do you find yourself doing a bit of subtraction to determine how many hours and minutes before you must rise and hopefully shine to begin the day?

Hitting the pause button on today or fast forwarding to tomorrow are best used for your digital recording devices. How can you simply enjoy the show and savor the passage of time you have?


What alternative approaches and strategies can you employ to more fully experience your todays and let tomorrow come tomorrow?

“Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.”

“Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today. Let us begin.”

– Mother Theresa, founder of the Order of the Missionaries of Charity


How much of your day do you spend reflecting on the past with either a sense of great satisfaction or perhaps regret?

How much of your day do you spend hopeful about the future or perhaps consumed by worry?

If this time were converted into money – let’s say $100.00/hour, how much would you have spent, or in this case, wasted, with little or nothing to show for it?


Consider taking Mother Theresa’s coaching to begin spending more time today pursuing and accomplishing what you sincerely desire. What would be possible if you did this each and every day?