How old will you be when you get good at

“How old will you be when you get good at_________?”

Barbara Waxman, founder of The Odyssey Group

Image from Unsplash by CDC

Today’s quote is a fill-in-the-blank question without a list of possible answers. It is intended to stretch you in a wide variety of directions should you choose to pause your life to do some exploration.

As the new year begins, it is common for many of us to make resolutions and promises to ourselves and others about the goals and habits we want to pursue and realize.

What objectives are top of mind for you? What intentions lie below the surface that appear so lofty that you dare even considering them?

Unfortunately, many of us give up before we get good at most things. Next January we will likely do this exercise again, with the excuse that we are even older to begin such efforts!


Use your favorite search engine or AI App to research some of the world’s late bloomers and their stories where they started when they started and got good and great at many things.

How will you use their examples as an inspiration to start today to get good at (fill in the blank)?


“Eat food, not too much, mostly plants.”

“Eat food, not too much, mostly plants.”

Michael Pollan

Image from Unsplash by Diana Polekhina

Did you do it again this year? Have you announced to the world or perhaps just spoke quietly to yourself that this is the year you will definitely lose weight and get in better shape? Physical distancing and working from home these past two years have made this goal extra challenging.

The quote above sounds so simple but as we all know it is far from easy. Countless external and internal factors can cause us to slip, slide, and fall off our health habits around mid-February only to promise ourselves to give it another go tomorrow, next week, after a vacation we deserve, or next January.


Check out Ju Young Kim’s impressive article entitled Optimal Diet Strategies for weight loss and weight lost maintenance.  I will be happy to send you a copy — email me at If time is limited, just post today’s quote on your fridge.

Friday Review: Resolutions

Friday Review: Resolutions

What resolutions are you considering for the new year? How resolute are you in keeping them? Here are a few related posts you may have missed.


“I think in terms of the day’s resolutions, not the year’s.”




“Most good resolutions start too late and end too soon.”




“How few there are who have courage enough to own their faults, or resolution enough to mend them!”






“How few there are who have courage enough to own their faults, or resolution enough to mend them!”

“How few there are who have courage enough to own their faults, or resolution enough to mend them!”

—Benjamin Franklin, a Founding Father of the United States

Image from Unsplash by Adi Goldstein

We can all be a bit judgmental and critical from time to time. When things appear wrong with the world in general or specifically with others in our various communities, it is pretty easy to point the finger at the mistakes and shortcomings we observe.

It is natural to hold our observation up against our own beliefs and values and see those that do not align as bad and wrong.

Most of us, on the other hand, do not look at ourselves with a lens of complete objectivity to see our own shortcomings and faults as worthy of our best efforts to mend them.


The next time you point your finger in the direction of the faults of others, consider that there are three fingers in your palm pointing right back at you.

What is one fault that you are resolute to mend in the days and weeks ahead?


Most Good Resolutions

“Most good resolutions start too late and end too soon.”

—Arnold Glasow, 20th Century American Humorist

Image of an empty gym

Image from Unsplash by Inspired Horizons Digital

The New Year’s resolution to be healthy and fit is beginning to hit a speed bump at my fitness club. During the first weeks of the year, the parking lot was full, there were lines for the showers, and far too many soiled towels on the floor.

At the same time, all sorts of treats, including cookies, cakes, and candy were popping up in the kitchen at work, as the new “Salad Warriors” eliminated them from their homes.

Discipline and self-restraint are now waning a bit, and far too many of us are giving in to the comfort foods and warm covers associated with winter.


What are the resolutions that you either started too late or ended too soon?

How might you incorporate a more rigorous accountability structure to tackle these priority areas once and for all?

Please consider reading or re-reading Steven Covey’s classic book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People as one of your first steps in this process.

If it came from a plant, eat it

“If it came from a plant, eat it. If it was made in a plant, don’t.”

-Michael Pollan, Professor, UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism

Image of today's quote

Image from Harmless Harvest

A few weeks ago, at the turn of the new year, millions of people committed for the umpteenth time to live healthier lives. Among the keys to success is the focus on optimal, high-quality nutrition.

In general, the fewer ingredients on the label, the better the choice. Or, choose only those made by Mother Nature herself. A simple way to decrease poor choices is to do the majority of your shopping around the periphery of your market, and avoid the aisles full of items produced in a plant.


Consider turning your next shopping trip into a food safari. Bring more tasty, naturally grown foods into your home and body. Reducing or purging many of the packaged items already in your cupboards and fridge will reduce the chances of making poor choices.


The Day’s Resolutions

“I think in terms of the day’s resolutions, not the year’s.”

-Henry Moore, 20th Century British Sculptor and Artist

Image from

Why do we do it?

You know what I mean. Why do we make New Year’s Resolutions, knowing darn well that as much as 90% of them are abandoned by the end of February.

Perhaps it is because a year is a pretty long time, and it’s hard to set out on a journey whose goal is so far off. It almost guarantees that obstacle and barriers will slow us down or stop us completely.

Today’s quote is like the one about eating an elephant one bite at a time, or that every journey begins with a single step. Perhaps daily resolutions are the way to achieve what we deeply desire—one day at a time.


Where and on what priority issues would making 365 daily resolutions help you make 2017 your best year yet?