You can raise the bar or you can wait for

“You can raise the bar or you can wait for others to raise it, but it’s getting raised regardless.”

Seth Godin, American author and a former dot com business executive

Image from Unsplash by Meghan Holmes

The 2024 summer Olympics begin on Friday July 26th. If you’re a fan like me, you’ll be tuned into this global event, watching over 10,000 athletes pursue new levels of excellence and those elusive medals.

My coaching career was inspired by the 5,000+ athletes and 2,000+ coaches at the 1992 Barcelona games.

Seeing the correlation between coaching and the highest levels of performance in sport inspired me to raise my own bar of achievement and help others pursue new levels of success in their personal and professional lives.


Where in your world do you see the bar being raised to new heights?

How and in what ways are you preparing for your personal Olympics with the goal of having a gold medal life?

There are miracles in me waiting their own turn to happen

“There are miracles in me waiting their own turn to happen. I am never giving up on myself.”

Rupi Kaur, Canadian poet, illustrator, and photographer

Image from Unsplash by Towfiqu barbhuiya

My wife and I recently finished watching the 46th season of the TV show Survivor. To keep the viewer’s interest the game moves faster and has many more twists and turns than a formula one race.

Instead of a 39-day format each new season is squeezed into 26 days where a widely diverse group of people are placed on an island where their physical, mental, and social skills are tested to their limits and beyond.

I’ve added the word beyond because of the transformative impact this game has on many of the contestants.

Along with the potential of winning a million dollars, a high percentage of players discover new levels of grit and determination that laid dormant prior to the challenges they face by the game and their opponents.


What miracles in you are waiting their turn to happen? How can you rally your belief in yourself to not only survive but thrive playing the game of life?

A worthy goal can be intimate

“A worthy goal can be intimate. Choose the scale that suits you and feel your way into the journey.”

—Author Unknown

Image from Unsplash by Ronnie Overgoor

How do you feel about goal setting?

Do you have multi-page documents on hand with spreadsheets, timelines, and milestones? Or do you avoid such details altogether?

Many people see goals from a “go big or go home” perspective. If it doesn’t make a big enough dent in the universe, it’s not worthwhile.

Although Nobel prizes are nice, it is far more empowering for the rest of us to set our sights on more modest and more personally meaningful targets.

Sometimes even having a general direction for our journeys and putting forth our best efforts is more than enough.


What are some of the worthy goals you have been reluctant to pursue?

How can you realize the satisfaction of pursuing your intimate desires without having to tell the whole world?

Where do you find yourself on the mountains of life? When is it time to rest and reflect on your view versus climbing onward?

Where do you find yourself on the mountains of life? When is it time to rest and reflect on your view versus climbing onward?

—Calm App Reflection

Image from Unsplash by Chris Holgersson

With over a month of 2024 under your belt, how far have you climbed so far?

Are your feet still on the gas pedal with your head down moving forward, or have you slowed your pace to reassess things?

When we exert ourselves, it is expected that our heart rates will increase. Along with our pulse, our rate of breathing also rises to access the energy for the effort.

Considering that both our beating heart and breathing are continuous, lifelong functions, it is interesting to note that there is always a pause — however brief — between them, to have our bodies work optimally.


How often do you stop or slow down to rest and reassess your place in the world?

How and where would doing so help you grow and enjoy many more views along the way?

Life is not a solo performance

Life is not a solo performance. How and where can you collaborate with others to accomplish an important goal?

—Calm App Reflection

Image from Unsplash by Emma Day

Carrying the weight of the world on our shoulders is a task too big for anyone. This may be why the biggest sporting events involve teams working together on the common goal of winning. As spectators in the stands or even in a comfy chair watching TV, we feel the excitement of being part of the effort, especially when celebrating a victory.

Where in your life do you operate as a solo performer?

What is your experience of victory and defeat when you are the only one on the field?

How long do these feelings last?

Where in your world do you partner and collaborate with others on a common goal?

When did you last experience the acronym TEAM: Together Everyone Achieves More?


What areas of your life would being better together make the biggest difference?

Friday Review: GOALS

Friday Review: Goals

How high do you set your goals? How diligently do you pursue them? Here are a few related posts you may have missed.

“To live only for some future goal is shallow. It’s the sides of the mountain which sustains life, not the top.”





“To better the future, we must disturb the present.”




“Your goals, minus your doubts, equal your reality.”





To live only for some future goal is shallow

“To live only for some future goal is shallow. It’s the sides of the mountain which sustains life, not the top.”

Robert Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

Image from Unsplash by Charlie Hammond

I’ve never climbed a mountain but I’ve learned through watching plenty of nature programs that very little lives at extreme heights.

For the tallest of the world’s mountains, climbers enter the “death zone” when they are over 8,000 meters above sea level. At this height, oxygen is about one third the concentration it is on the ground below.

When one examines more modestly sized mountains, we can readily see the tree line only goes so far before things shift to the cold frosty stuff.


How often do you take the time to fully explore and appreciate all the steps on your journey to the top? Where might stops along the way and even deciding not to climb all the way be the wisest approach to take?

Your secret weapon is the patient execution of what everyone knows they should be doing.

“Your secret weapon is the patient execution of what everyone knows they should be doing.”

Rich Litvin, co-author of The Prosperous Coach

Image from Unsplash by Ben White

Secret weapons are the stuff of superheroes and blockbuster movies.

Whether you are a Marvel or DC fan, watching the good guys fight the bad guys on screen or even in a comic book always grabs our attention. Yet — as far as I know — there are no superheroes with patient execution as their secret weapon.

A two-hour film is not the venue to reveal how their secret to success is longer time intervals. We want things big and bold, or we simply go home.


Where in your life could patient execution be the secret weapon you need to achieve your most important goals?

What simple actions will you take today to build the momentum to be your own superhero?

To improve your chances of finishing, cut your goal in half

“To improve your chances of finishing, cut your goal in half or double your timeline for completion.”

—Jon Acuff, author of Finish — Give Yourself the Gift of Done

Image from Unsplash by Alice Yamamura

As we enter the halfway point of 2022, how are you progressing on the goals you established in January?

How many have been realized? Where are you on track?

Where have you fallen behind or perhaps given up completely?

To some, today’s quote looks like a cop out or a form of sandbagging. After all, we are supposed to swing for the fences and stretch for the stars if we listen to the most popular advice on achievement. This may be all well and good in theory but not if we never see things through and wallow in regret.


Where would cutting your goals down to size or giving yourself more time to complete things dramatically increase the likelihood of finishing?

Managing your own and others’ expectations will be an important consideration to reduce the chances of upsets along the way.