This moment is this moment. What will you do with it?

This moment is this moment. What will you do with it? Consider using it to perform an act of service.

—Calm App Reflection

Image from Unsplash by Thabang Madnsela

How often do you catch yourself feeling bored with seemingly nothing to do?

What are your default activities at these times? Do you grab a snack, watch a show, or browse the web and social media feeds?

Although these activities can fill you stomach and your time, they are only temporary fixes that become empty rather quickly.

What if instead you looked to serve and support someone else at these times? Something more rewarding often shows up!


Who can you support and serve in this moment?

How would filling more of the gaps in your days by helping others fill some of the emptiness we often feel when we focus on ourselves?

To experience the “Givers Glow” and the “Helpers Halo,” offer

To experience the “Givers Glow” and the “Helpers Halo,” offer your acts of service and support in direct and specific ways.

—Calm App Reflection

Image from Unsplash by Maria Ziegler

A close friend of ours was recently hospitalized. We live in the same building and after her first call to 911, she called us.

As part of our mutual friendship, we exchange keys to one another’s condos to let ourselves in and support one another when there is a need.

In addition to our visits to the hospital, daily check ins, and making a few of her favorite foods when she got home, she kept recounting that getting to her so quickly was the key to knowing she was going to be OK.


What direct and specific acts of support and service are the keys to open the doors of your most important relationships?

Be a gardener and plant seeds of kindness and service. 

“Be a gardener and plant seeds of kindness and service. Take an ECO versus EGO approach to life and watch things bloom.”

—Author Unknown

Image from Unsplash by Mei-Ling Mirow

Over the years, I’ve been a big fan of the National Geographic show Life Below Zero. The show has become so popular that in recent years it has evolved in a few new spin offs.

With the harsh weather and limited growing season, profiled residents have invested considerable time building greenhouses to grow their own food. Doing this protects the seeds and delicate young plants, and extends the growing season by about a month — resulting in a far more abundant harvest.


Where do you plant seeds of kindness and service in your world?

How have these ECO efforts enriched your life and contributed to your communities?

Lest We Forget

The September 11, 2001 attacks—commonly known as 9/11—were four coordinated Islamist suicide terrorist attacks carried out by al-Qaeda against the United States. Here are some quotes for your consideration on this important date.

Image from Unsplash byAidan Bartos

“If September 11th has taught us anything, it’s certainly that the world has never been so interdependent. It is impossible to be an island of prosperity in a sea of despair.”
Bono, Singer and activist

“If we learn nothing else from this tragedy, we learn that life is short and there is no time for hate.”
—Dandy Dahl, wife of United flight 93 pilot, Jason Dahl

“For me and my family personally, September 11th was a reminder that life is fleeting, impermanent, and uncertain. Therefore, we must make use of every moment and nurture it with affection, tenderness, beauty, creativity, and laughter.”
Deepak Chopra, Author

“Even the smallest act of service, the simplest act of kindness, is a way to honor those we lost, a way to reclaim that spirit of unity that followed 9/11.”
Former President Barack Obama


How will you honor this date? What kindnesses and acts of service can and will you offer in the spirit of unity today?

“Sometimes the most meaningful service is simple, spontaneous, and closer to home.”

“Sometimes the most meaningful service is simple, spontaneous, and closer to home.”

Jay Shetty, life coach and former Hindu monk

Image from Unsplash by Rémi Walle

The desire to make a difference seems to be a universal calling for most people. The intention to live a meaningful life is a key driver from the moment we wake until it is time to rest.

When we look around at how others live, we tend to focus on the big stuff that seem more like quests and crusades. Having a major impact seems to be what counts or at least get noticed.

It is nice to be reminded that the simple and quiet acts of service are often the most meaningful.


Where and how will you contribute to those close to you today?

We’re better off when we’re all better off

“We’re better off when we’re all better off.”

Eric Liu, American writer and founder of Citizen University

Image from Unsplash by Brett Jordan

I read a wide variety of blogs on a daily basis. Their wisdom and perspectives offer many ideas to add my two cents from time to time. Today’s quote was recently shared by Stephen Amant, who writes the Savenwood blog, which I encourage you to explore and consider becoming a subscriber.

Liu’s quote about bettering the lives of others as well as ourselves satisfies my spirit.

It helps me see that by leaning in to serve and support others in my communities I, too, will rise.

The idea of bettering myself while leaving others to do the same leaves me feeling empty.


Where and how can you raise up others in your communities so that we are all better off?


Friday Review: Service

Friday Review: Service

Where in your life have you been of service to others? Here are a few related posts you may have missed.

“What would happen if you doubled down on service?”




“If the customer comes first, there is a good chance the customer will come back.”




“The more you know about the people you serve, the better you serve the people you know.”







“The more you know about the people you serve, the better you serve the people you know.”

“The more you know about the people you serve, the better you serve the people you know.”

—Author Unknown

Image created in Canva

Whenever I am asked to give a presentation to a group, I always take considerable time to get to know my audience. I also find this especially important in the discovery phase of a successful coaching engagement.

Although I have access to many tools and techniques to support their developmental goals, the resources are of little value to those attending my programs who are not seeking or open to what I wish to share.

Many years ago, I learned a concept that makes this point nicely. Simply stated: Speak to their Listening.


Where and with whom can and will you take time to learn more about the people you serve so you can better serve the people you know?

“If the customer comes first, there is a good chance the customer will come back.”

“If the customer comes first, there is a good chance the customer will come back.”

—Author Unknown

My very favorite place to shop for groceries is Trader Joe’s. On average, they receive over 80% of my food dollars. They probably would receive 100% if their store carried everything I wanted.

Despite their small geographic footprint compared to other supermarkets, they do a great job.

The quality and variety of their offerings and their logistics are brilliant. Even beyond that is their extraordinarily kind, engaging, and helpful staff, and their almost unbelievable return policy.

If you have not shopped there, imagine returning an item you ate but did not enjoy, without the packaging or a receipt, and receiving a refund, no questions asked.


Where and how could you step up your game by making an even greater effort to put your customers and those you serve first?

“What would happen if you doubled down on service?”

“What would happen if you doubled down on service?”

—Robert Richman, keynote speaker and culture architect

Image from Unsplash by Square

Did you know that it takes 5-7 times the effort and resources to obtain new customers than to keep existing customers?

With this statistic in mind, how much effort have you and your organization focused on new customer acquisition rather than making sure your current customers are delighted with you, your products, and of course, your level of service?

Customer loyalty is worth billions, however, we often slack off on our best behaviors once we close the deal. Much like when we say our “I Do” to our life partners. Given the divorce rate of about 50%, we all can see the need to maintain and more appropriately improve these relationships if they are to prosper.


What are some ways you can and will double down on your levels of service in your professional and personal communities? What would be the value of the loyalty generated?