Who are the people who make you think and laugh

“Who are the people who make you think and laugh? Be the person who takes the initiative and reach out to them.”

Michael Bungay Stainer discussion with Chip Conley

Image from Unsplash by Surface

I believe the quality of our lives is highly correlated with what we do and those with whom we do them.

For most of us, it is often difficult spending all the time we wish with our favorite people.

We trade our valuable time for other priorities, and often must compromise and settle.


How often do you take the initiative to reach out and stay connected to the special people who make you smile and keep you on your toes?

How can you let these people know how important they are so they can also take the initiative to pull you away from people and things not meant for you?

Friday Review: Initiative


How do you determine what needs to be done? Here are a few initiative-related posts you may have missed.



“All man’s gains are the fruit of venturing.”




“Initiative is to success what a lighted match is to a candle.”





“The first to apologize is the bravest. The first to forgive is the strongest. And the first to forget is the happiest.”





Initiative is to Success

“Initiative is to success what a lighted match is to a candle.”

—Orlando A. Battista, 20th-Century Canadian-American chemist & author

Image of a lit match

Image from Flickr by Rob Howard

Today’s quote suggests that initiative can be a spark of life, leading us to a brighter future.

What, for you, is the value and importance of getting the ball rolling on your key professional and personal priorities, rather than taking a laid-back, “wait and see” approach?

Many hesitate, thinking, “What if it doesn’t work?” or “What if I embarrass myself and look foolish in taking such a risk?”

If you have these thoughts, consider instead what it would be like if it worked out just as you hoped. What is the likelihood you would wish you had taken the initiative sooner?


Where are you currently hesitating or procrastinating on an important matter in your life? What act of initiative that supports a brighter future will you take within the next 24 hours?

Initiative Assessment

“All man’s gains are the fruit of venturing.”

—Herodotus, 5th Century BCE Greek Historian

Image from Flickr by Lynn Friedman

Image from Flickr by Lynn Friedman

As part of my Personal Excellence Coaching program, I often conduct assessments which includes a review of the client’s achievement traits. Among the most important is that of initiative, in which the individual evaluates what needs to be done and ventures forth without being prodded by others to do so.

Beginning new things, solving challenging problems, and pursuing a new goal sure beats waiting and wishing for things to come our way.


Where would an “if it is to be it begins with me” approach have you venturing forth in new ways, to gain more of the sweet fruits of life?

“The first to apologize is the bravest. The first to forgive is the strongest. And the first to forget is the happiest.”

“The first to apologize is the bravest. The first to forgive is the strongest. And the first to forget is the happiest.”

—Author Unknown

Recently, I have been working with my friend and personal organizer Lisa, to help remove some clutter from my home. It is amazing the happiness I experience to see my junk drawers open easily and to enter my closet where I have only the clothing that fits me. Donating those items I was not using felt pretty good too.

When I saw this quote, it made me think of the mental and emotional clutter we often carry around with us – and how this area can often benefit from a bit of a makeover.


Consider picking up a copy of The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin, where she describes her year-long journey using a wide variety of strategies to become happier.