“The few who do are the envy of the many who only watch

“The few who do are the envy of the many who only watch.”

Jim Rohn, American entrepreneur and author

Image from Unsplash by Kym Ellis

What is your favorite sporting event, reality TV show, social media feed, or other activity in which you watch others doing cool things?

Notice your level of engagement in seeing others stepping out and taking risks while you observe behind a screen or sit in the stands.

We do these things because they are pleasurable and safe at the same time.

We get to experience the thrill of victory with little or no real agony of defeat.

When — across your years — did you do something remarkable that others envied?

What did it take for you to jump into the deep end and what was it like to feel the exhilaration and excitement of these activities first hand?


Where have you pulled back and stepped away from experiencing the rewards associated with taking risks?

Where can and will you jump in again to feel the rush of being back in the game?

When you lean in, your risk being hit

“When you lean in, your risk being hit.”

Rich Litvin, co-author of The Prosperous Coach

Image from Unsplash by Nicholas Green

In how many areas of your life do you sit on the sidelines as a spectator?

Where in your personal or professional communities are you playing it safe, avoiding the bumps and bruises of the players on the field?

Whether it is in your career, a competitive sporting event, or even in a significant relationship, leaning in has its risks.

What potential rewards will never be realized if you are always keeping your distance?


Where is it time to lean into something of great importance or urgency?

How can you best prepare yourself for the possible hits you may receive in your efforts to reach some worthy objective?

Friday Review: Risk

Friday Review: Risk

What is your current tolerance for risk?  Here are a few related posts you may have missed.

Don’t just go with the flow, take some dares through the rapids.




Jump, and you will find out how to unfold your wings as you fall.




There is no reason to risk what you have and need for what you don’t have and don’t need.




“Why risk a lot to gain a little?”

“Why risk a lot to gain a little?”

—Inspired by a post by Dan Cullum

Image from Unsplash by Alexandria Gilliott

Since 1966, seat belts have been standard equipment in American vehicles. By 1975, most first-world countries also had seat belt requirements.

I can clearly remember getting my driver’s license in 1973—there was never a question of me buckling up for safety. I also recall considerable push back by some people, refusing to wear them because it infringed on their personal freedom or might wrinkle their clothes.

Some people would even buckle them behind their backs so that the car would start.


Where do your or others risk a lot to gain a little?
Where do you or others not even see these risks until it is too late?

“There is no reason to risk what you have and need for what you don’t have and don’t need.”

“There is no reason to risk what you have and need for what you don’t have and don’t need.”

—Morgan Housel, The Psychology of Money

Image from Unsplash by Gabriel Meinert

This quote made me think of a recent passage I read on greed, by Mark Nepo. A few of his nuggets include:

“The wanting to experience more than one person can…”

“We race through life with one eye on what we have and one eye on what we don’t.”

“Greed is not restricted to money. It can work its appetite on things such as love, success, and travel.”


Where are you currently risking what you have and need for what you don’t have and don’t need?

Where is enough more than enough to fully appreciate the richness in your life?

Jump, and you will find out how to unfold your wings as you fall.”

“Jump, and you will find out how to unfold your wings as you fall.”

—Ray Bradbury, in Fahrenheit 451

Image from Unsplash by Marty Southwell

Imagine your life if you were a baby bird. Once you emerge from your shell, you begin taking in the outer world. In the beginning, all seems pretty safe and calm within the nest. Mom and Dad bring tasty bugs and critters to eat, and perhaps you have to fight a few siblings to get your share.

With all this food, you and your family grow, and the nest that was once safe and cozy gets a bit crowded. It is time for Mom and Dad to become empty-nesters!

Where and when have you had baby bird moments in your life? Explore the numerous times you needed to jump and unfold your wings as you began to fall, then soared to higher heights.


What personal or professional growth opportunities are calling you? When will you take the leap so that your life can continue to unfold?



Friday Review: Risk


What is your current tolerance for risk?  Here are a few risk-related posts you may have missed.


“The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short, but in setting our aim too low and achieving our mark.”




“The world will never discover a person who is hiding in the crowd.”




“Sometimes your only available transportation is a leap of faith.”




“Watch the turtle. He only moves forward by sticking his neck out.”

“Watch the turtle. He only moves forward by sticking his neck out.”

—Lou Gerstner, former CEO of IBM

Image from Unsplash by Amauri Acosta Montiel

My daughter Rachel’s favorite animal is the turtle. She has many stuffed animals and other tchotchkes to prove it.

It happens that she has lived a life in which she has stuck her neck out many times to move forward on various personal and professional priorities. In college, she did door-to-door sales for an educational products company. She worked 80-85 hours a week, with plenty of rejections along the way. Nevertheless, she pulled in about $25k each summer, as opposed to the 12-week, minimum wage jobs some of her classmates took on.


To what degree are you playing it safe in your personal and professional worlds? What top priority issue is calling you to courageously stick your neck out even if you were to progress at a turtle’s pace?

As children we are taught not to play with fire not how to play with fire

“As children we are taught not to play with fire, not how to play with fire.”

—Steven Kotler, American Author, Journalist, and Entrepreneur

Image of a man spiraling a wand of fire

Image from Unsplash by Peter John Maridable

Looking back to childhood I remember two times when playing with fire got me in big trouble. The first time was when Mom caught me playing with matches. The second was when I decided it would be interesting to put my paper napkin into our lit Hanukkah candles.

The control and use of fire was a pivotal point in human evolution and cultural advancement. Providing heat and the ability to cook food are just two factors that permitted the expansion of human activity across our planet.


How and in what ways can we shift our thinking regarding the potential risky fires of life, and harness their power more fully?

How would doing so with our children inspire greater creativity, innovation, and achievements to better our world?

Don’t just go with the flow

“Don’t just go with the flow, take some dares through the rapids.”

—Author Unknown

Image of a person standing on a rickety wood bridge over rapids

Image from Unsplash by Benjamin Davies

If your life were a movie or TV show, how likely is it that it would be a blockbuster everyone talks about?

Mine would probably not be a big hit with most people. When I ask people who know me best to describe me, some words that pop up often include: dependable, disciplined, reliable, steady, cooperative, honest, loyal, and friendly.

Being a “Steady Eddie” has served me well, and I consider myself very happy with my reasonable, predictable life.

On the other hand, there are many displays in my office of my favorite quote: “When patterns are broken, new worlds will emerge.” This thought constantly reminds me to keep checking in to see where I am committed to something bigger, better, or just different from “going with the flow.” It’s at these times I periodically jump into the fast-moving or riskier waters of life, and go for it. It’s interesting to note that a high percentage of these times are associated with some of my most memorable and significant accomplishments.


What is one important area of your life in which it is time to jump into the rapids and be a bit more daring?