“The few who do are the envy of the many who only watch

“The few who do are the envy of the many who only watch.”

Jim Rohn, American entrepreneur and author

Image from Unsplash by Kym Ellis

What is your favorite sporting event, reality TV show, social media feed, or other activity in which you watch others doing cool things?

Notice your level of engagement in seeing others stepping out and taking risks while you observe behind a screen or sit in the stands.

We do these things because they are pleasurable and safe at the same time.

We get to experience the thrill of victory with little or no real agony of defeat.

When — across your years — did you do something remarkable that others envied?

What did it take for you to jump into the deep end and what was it like to feel the exhilaration and excitement of these activities first hand?


Where have you pulled back and stepped away from experiencing the rewards associated with taking risks?

Where can and will you jump in again to feel the rush of being back in the game?

“So much of the development of mental strength flows from our ability to normalize adversity.”

“So much of the development of mental strength flows from our ability to normalize adversity.”

Rohan Rajiv, Author of A Learning a Day Blog

Image from Unsplash by Aziz Acharki

Over the years writing this blog I’ve reference a book titled The Power of Full Engagement numerous times.

A key premise of its content is to expand one’s ability to increase their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual energies.

Consider replacing the word energy with strength.

Where are you experiencing adversity in your life?

How are you being challenged and tested in your personal and professional pursuits?

Where are you feeling resistance and a sense of being stretched beyond what’s comfortable?

How do these situations actually increasing your overall strength, capacities, and resilience?


Read or re-read The Power of Full Engagement. Consider how normalizing adversity has actually supported your growth and development.

Feel free to reply to this post with some examples from your own life.

“Morning is when I am awake, and there is dawn in me.”

“Morning is when I am awake, and there is dawn in me.”

Henry David Thoreau, 19th Century American naturalist, writer, philosopher

Image from Unsplash by patuphotos

I’m an early to bed and early to rise kind of guy—try as I might over the years to play with my circadian rhythm, this way of living just works best for me.

Mornings always seem to begin with boundless potential, and I love the idea of getting a head start on things well before most people hit their snooze alarm for the first time.


What is your relationship with mornings?

How can the dawn of a new day spark your engagement and efforts to make it a great one?

Action makes more fortune than caution

“Action makes more fortune than caution.”

Luc DeClapiers, 18th Century French Essayist

Image from Amazon

The past few years have been times of considerable change for most of us.

With time to reflect and explore changes in myself and others, I’ve recognized today’s quote as being spot on.

Wendy and I recently moved to a senior community outside of Philadelphia. Since then, I’ve noticed a number of trends among the residents.

The people who remain active are far younger at heart and generally have richer lives that include better health and vitality. Those folks that are less active, venture out less often, and have fewer social interactions seem to experience the opposite.


Consider reading The Power of Full Engagement by James E. Loehr and Tony Schwartz to see how being in action can support you in leading a more energetic and richer life.

People may hear your words but they feel your attitude

“People may hear your words, but they feel your attitude.”

John Maxwell, New York Times bestselling author, coach and speaker

Image from Unsplash by Frame Harris

In many ways all living things—including ourselves—are like machines.

We run on fuel and generate billions of electrical impulses each second. Even when we examine ourselves on an atomic level, electric and magnetic fields are constantly flowing.

When two particles—and in the case of today’s quote two people—interact, the energy fields between them can fluctuate.

Words alone compared to words with a positive attitude can be felt, and an experience of alignment and resonance can be experienced.


How and in what ways can and do you generate the feelings of excitement and engagement in others?

How do the people you know use their positive attitudes to offer you their magnetic personalities to engage your deepest listening?

“We all want to say yes…”

“We all want to say yes, because with yes comes so much opportunity, but with power of no comes focus and engagement.”
—Jared Leto, American actor, singer, songwriter, and director.

Image from Amazon.com

Image from Amazon.com

Today’s quote immediately brought to mind William Ury’s 2007 book, The Power of the Positive No.

Ury is a renowned negotiator, mediator, and Harvard professor who saw the need to stop some of the madness of the limitless choices in our high stress world. He promotes the concept of a “positive NO” to make room for what really counts – our own needs, values, and priorities.


How will the power of the positive NO provide you the level of focus and engagement you need to bring about the YESES for your most important opportunities?