“Don’t be fooled by the calendar. There are only as many days in the year as you make use of. One person gets only a week’s value out of a year while another gets a full year’s value out of a week.”

Barry’s Watch
I own a Warner Brothers watch given to me by my wife over 20 years ago.
It shows Sylvester the Cat using a toothpick with Tweety Bird inside still very much alive.
What makes this watch extra special is that it has a small button on the side that illuminates the face in the dark or when the light is low. I refer to it as my “Lighten up” watch, to remind me to not be so serious and engage in life with a more playful spirit.
This watch has been sitting in a drawer and has not been worn since the beginning of the pandemic.
Fortunately, I seem to have developed an internal light that illuminates my life and lets me know what’s truly important.
What are your thoughts about today’s quote?
What is your current relationship with time?
What do you consider your wisest investments of this precious resource?
Please reply to this post if your care to share your perspective.