“Attitudes are contagious. Make yours worth catching.”

“Attitudes are contagious. Make yours worth catching.”

—Author Unknown

Image from Unsplash by Iván Díaz

At this time of year, many of us are getting email and text reminders from our local pharmacies.

You know — the ones urging you to make an appointment for your next set of vaccines to lower your risk of the flu, Covid-19, and other medical maladies going around.

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a vaccine to eliminate a bad attitude or fortify a good one?

It would likely boost your zapping energies and vanquish your sapping ones to an even healthier and happier life!


Consider reading or re-reading the book ZAPP-the Lightning of Empowerment by William C. Byham and Jeff Cox to make your positive attitude contagious heading into the holiday season and the new year.

“Life is like an onion; you peel off one layer at a time and sometimes you weep.”

“Life is like an onion; you peel off one layer at a time and sometimes you weep.”

Carl Sandberg, 20th Century Pulitzer Prize winning poet and journalist

Image from Unsplash by Lars Blankers

Do you do much cooking? If so, how often do you use onions in your recipes?

If you use them often you know that they are most often sliced and diced rather than peeled layer by layer.

Life can be like that too, when its difficulties and challenges seem to slice through our existing plans and expectations.

Getting back to cooking, what happens when our layered friends are sautéed and browned?

Yep! the caramelization process brings out natural sugars to enhance their subtle sweetness!


Like an onion, how can you bring out more of life’s sweetness into your days and accept the tears that often come as we slice, dices and layer?

We are wired for generosity and educated for greed.

We are wired for generosity and educated for greed. Let your innate instincts for goodness and giving prevail.

—Calm App Reflection

Image from Unsplash by CDC

I’m not so sure I fully agree with today’s quote.

I can think of numerous examples where some folks are wired for greed and educated for generosity. How about you?

Consider parenting when children refuse to share with their siblings. Whether it’s a favorite toy or even a snack, the phrase That’s Mine! and some tears often result.

With maturity and positive role modeling from loving parents, our little ones often begin to experience the rewards of giving and supporting those around them.


Where do you see the good and bad in our natural wiring?

How do positive and negative role models create a dichotomy in the way we treat others?

Which way are you leaning in your thoughts and actions?

Friday Review: Education

Friday Review: Education

What are you doing to continue your education? Here are a few related posts you may have missed.


“Education today, more than ever before, must see clearly the dual objectives: Educating for living, and education for making a living.”





“Careers are a jungle gym, not a ladder.”






“I was made for the library, not the classroom. The classroom was a jail of other people’s interest. The library was open, unending, free.”




“Effort only releases its reward after a person refuses to quit.”

“Effort only releases its reward after a person refuses to quit.”

Napoleon Hill, 20th Century American self-help author

Image from Unsplash by Scott Graham

My son Dan is very smart. In school he always got top grades with very little effort. As his dad, I always encouraged him to apply himself fully to realize even more of his potential.

One morning during his freshman year in college I tried getting him up early for an exam he had that day. Unfortunately, he dismissed my unwanted coaching as nagging, indicating that he already had a solid “A”.

The following year he transferred from Oakland University to the University of Michigan where he was no longer the sharpest tool in the shed. Seemingly overnight “B’s” replaced “A’s” and his ego took quite a hit.

With this rude awakening he then applied himself with considerable resolve to receive what he said was the best “A” he ever earned.


What are some of the most rewarding moments of your life? How often do you notice the correlation between your tenacity to never give up and the sweet satisfaction of realizing more of your potential?

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, our world will know peace.”

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, our world will know peace.”

—attributed to Jimi Hendrix

Image from Unsplash by Patrick Fore

Today’s quote is often attributed to Jimi Hendrix although there is no documented evidence that he actually said it.  Regardless of who actually said it, the internet and people around the world have spread its message far and wide.

These days, it’s easier than ever to examine events and people around the world. With 190 plus countries across the globe, we get to see the wide spectrum of customs, politics, ways of living, and how they compare and differ from our own.

Among the qualities people around the world crave most are peace and freedom.

Unfortunately, the considerable struggles we often see over power get in the way. Conflicts and the oppression of people causes considerable misery.


Where do you observe the love of power and the power of love in your various communities?

Where would less of the first and more of the second help brings greater peace into the world?

How can and will you contribute to these worthy efforts?

“Habits are first cobwebs, then cables.

“Habits are first cobwebs, then cables.”

—Spanish proverb

Image from Unsplash by Yuri Antonenko

When we first go about creating a new habit, we often find it difficult. The behaviors we hope to embody are fragile and are easily broken. Eating well, exercise, and even flossing can be fraught with all sorts of false starts and missteps.

When we try to break our bad habits, we also run into difficulties.

Impulse shopping, excessive media exposure, and various forms of overindulgence seek to grab us and hold us captive in their alluring grasps.


Create a list of your healthy and unhealthy habits.

Select one habit you wish to establish and one you intend to discard.

Consider reading or re-reading Atomic Habits by James Clear or The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg to optimize your efforts and likelihood of success.

Honor and respect yourself

Honor and respect yourself. Stand tall and know that you deserve your place in this wonderful world.

—Calm App Reflection

Image from Unsplash by Tiago Felipe Ferreira

Who are the people you most admire and respect? Examine the members of your family, the people with whom you work, and members of your broader communities.

Did you happen to include yourself on this list? Why or why not?

What makes someone worthy of respect? What qualities do you honor in the people around you? To what extent do you exhibit these attributes?


In what ways are you already deserving of respect?

How can you stand even taller and step forward with greater courage and confidence to make an even bigger contribution?

Please take note of how your good example inspires others to do the same.

Friday Review: Distractions

Friday Review: Distractions

Are you easily distracted? Here are a few related quotes you may have missed.


“When a great moment knocks on the door of your life, it is often no louder than the beating of your heart, and it is easy to miss.”




“Unless you plan on eating it, please don’t bring your phone to our dinner table.”





“Distractions! Let them come. Let them be. Let them go.”




Wanting tells the lie that having will fill every void

“Wanting tells the lie that having will fill every void. It does not.”

Stephen St. Amant, from a post on the wisdom of Jim Carrey

Image from Unsplash by Dayne Topkin

What do you want that you don’t already have?

This question is worth a deep dive, especially if you find yourself fundamentally dissatisfied with your life.

It’s easy to blame it on the media or the people with whom you associate — we are just trying to keep up with the Joneses!

It’s a lie that having more of what’s missing will suddenly quench your insatiable thirst.

It won’t.

Regardless of whether people seek fame, power, money, status, or just more stuff, the evidence from others who actually seem to have won their life lottery leave many still feeling empty.


In what ways do you buy into the lie of wanting?

How much of what you have wanted has already been realized?

Where might the pursuit of less be more satisfying and meaningful than always wanting what you don’t have?