When you talk with other people, raise the conversation just a little higher

“When you talk with other people, raise the conversation just a little higher.”

Tzvi Freeman, Canadian Rabbi and author

Image from Unsplash by Priscilla Du Preez

A Brief History of the Future is a unique six-part PBS documentary series about our futures and how we can re-imagine them, hosted by renowned futurist Ari Wallach.

The series invites viewers on a journey around the world that is filled with discovery, hope, and possibility about where we find ourselves today — and what could come next.

It challenges us and the dystopian framework embraced by popular culture by offering a refreshing and uplifting take on the future.


Please watch this series and join the wide range of thinkers, scientists, developers, and storytellers with your own uplifting and positive vision of what’s possible for our future.

Friday Review: Future

Friday Review: Future

What is your attitude toward the future? Here are a few related posts you may have missed.


“Do not ruin today with mourning tomorrow.”





“Life is like dessert. Keep your fork; the best is yet to come.”




“Teachers should prepare the student for the student’s future, not for the teacher’s past.”





“Do not ruin today with mourning tomorrow.”

“Do not ruin today with mourning tomorrow.”

—Cathrynne M. Valente, American fiction writer, poet, and literary critic

Image from Unsplash by Daniel Lerman

As we examine our thoughts carefully from time to time, we can all take an extra step to explore whether they are focused on the past, present or future.

When we look backwards, we may smile about the good times or sometimes experience a sense of regret for opportunities missed.

Today’s quote points to those times when we look forward. Ideally, we look to the future with optimism and hope for better times. Sometimes however, we notice fear and worries enter our thinking where we sense a level of doom and gloom on the horizon on a day that has yet to begin.


How can and will you notice and augment your thinking toward the positive aspect of life to more fully appreciate and enjoy every morning, noon, and night?

“Teachers should prepare the student for the student’s future, not for the teacher’s past.”

“Teachers should prepare the student for the student’s future, not for the teacher’s past.”

—Richard Hamming, 20th Century American mathematician

Image from Unsplash by Adam Winger

Who have been your most influential teachers? Which of them tapped into your greatest interests and inspired you to want to learn, grow, and achieve?

Which of them poured themselves into you with love and also saw that their job was to bring out the possibilities within you?

The questions, Will this be on the test? and How will this prepare me for my future? are worlds apart.

Fulfilling even the most well-intended curriculum and tapping into the knowledge stores of many teachers and other advising professionals can only go so far.

How can we better prepare our youth for a future in which exponential wisdom will be required?


What would be possible if your role as a life-long learner was to use up all the teachers that come into your life?

As you soar beyond the relevancy of these well-intended individuals, keep looking for the future sages and stoics to help you take your next steps.

“Life is like dessert. Keep your fork; the best is yet to come.”

“Life is like dessert. Keep your fork; the best is yet to come.”

—Andy Andrews, The Noticer

Image from Unsplash by Max Panamá

Today’s quote makes me think of my wonderful wife, Wendy. We have been together for over forty-five years. During our time together, I have gained a far deeper appreciation and love for her and all that she brings to our lives.

Following dinner, she frequently asks for something sweet to alter the flavors from our often savory or spicy meals. She sometimes takes only a modest portion of the meal in order to assure there is room for dessert. Perhaps this is the reason she has become a skilled baker during the pandemic — to remind us that the best is yet to come.


Where and how can and will you save a bit more room for the sweeter things in life?

What would be the value of having dessert at the start instead of it being an afterthought once you are too full to enjoy it?

“The future has already arrived. It’s just not evenly distributed yet.”

“The future has already arrived. It’s just not evenly distributed yet.”

—William Gibson, American/Canadian speculative fiction writer

Image from Unsplash by Joshua Sortino

In his book, BOLD, Peter Diamonadis shares many interesting aspects of our global community, including a variety of new technologies creating exponential changes in our world.

His Six D’s of Exponential Organizations, detailed HERE are:

  • Digitization
  • Deception
  • Disruption
  • Demonetization
  • Dematerialization
  • Democratization

The Six D’s help us look at technologies and perhaps why they can lead to both upheaval and opportunity.


Consider picking up a copy of Peter’s book to increase your own awareness of the future that has already arrived. See where and how you can participate in the distribution process, to better your personal world and the world in general.

“All kids need is a little help, a little hope, and someone who believes in them.”

“All kids need is a little help, a little hope, and someone who believes in them.”

—Magic Johnson, former Los Angeles Laker Basketball Superstar

Weston on his 1st Birthday

How often do you video chat with family and friends that live far away? A few weeks ago, Wendy and I were delighted to see our one-year-old grandson Weston take 10 steps at the encouragement of his mom — our daughter Rachel.

Our children are our future, and I have no doubt that Weston will be an extraordinary young man due to the hope, help, and belief we all have in him.


Who are the big and little kids in your world that need and deserve even more belief and support? In what ways can and will you more fully contribute to their growth and development?

The future is something which everyone reaches

“The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of 60 minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is.”

—C.S. Lewis, 20th Century British author

Image created in Canva

Today’s quote has a bit of a passive quality for me. In a recent article, Michael Simmons points out the considerable downside of a passive approach by describing a term he coined “The Five Hour Rule” a few years ago. Through his research of the most successful people in the world he discovered a pattern: They all devoted at least five hours a week to deliberate learning, to ensure long-term success.

His work demonstrates that in maintaining only our current knowledge, about 50% will become outdated within a decade. He points out that each of us will need to learn five hours a week just to stay up-to-date in our current fields, and more if we want to get ahead.

Most of us know that we all forget a significant portion of what we learn, but did you know that facts in many fields of study have a half-life where previous knowledge can no longer be found in scientific citations?

Consider where the fields of artificial intelligence, app development, social media management, driverless cars and cloud computing will be even a few years from now. None of these fields existed 15 years ago.


How and in what ways can and will you invest at least five hours each week on intentional learning?

Consider checking out Michael Simmons article by reading “The Math Behind the Five Hour Rule.”

Even though the future seems far away it is actually beginning right now

“Even though the future seems far away, it is actually beginning right now.”

—Mattie J.T. Stepanek, late American child poet & agent of peace

image of Mattie Stepanek with Oprah Winfrey

Image of Mattie Stepanek from oprah.com

What is the best time to plant a tree? If you’ve heard this question before, you know the answer is something on the order of, “25 years ago.”

The typical follow-up question to this riddle is, “What is the next best time to plant a tree?” The answer is, of course, “Today!”

Those of us who desire a more fruitful future continually look for and take the next step that will begin or continue the journey. In this way, we can realize the future that may initially seem far away.


What specific seeds will you plant within your community efforts today? Better yet, what will you do right now to make this possible future a reality?

Build a Future

“Build a future – don’t just polish the past.”

—Author Unknown

New or Improved? Which of these words conveys the most energy for you?

Both words are often used in advertising and marketing to declare some advantage in a product or service category.

Where are you currently creating something new? In my observations, I see most people (including myself) maintaining the stats quo, simply polishing those things we have already done to brighten our lives a bit.

Creating something entirely new is often a messy process and can look like it is more trouble than it is worth due to the frustration and discouragement that can accompany the effort.


Where can and will you build a better future by creating something entirely new in either your personal or professional life, and not just polish your past?