“The best teachers are those who…”

“The best teachers are those who show you where to look, but don’t tell you what to see.”

—Alexandra K. Trenfor

Photo from bats.blogs.nytimes.com

Photo from bats.blogs.nytimes.com

I have been an active and engaged member of the ICF (International Coach Federation) for almost 20 years. Today, this organization has well over 20,000 members in more than 100 countries. The IFC has been one of the most active in establishing the ethics, standards, competencies, and credentialing criteria for the industry.

Fundamental to the value and impact of the coaching process is how it engages the individual in a variety of learning experiences requiring personal inquiry and self-discovery.

A phrase I like very much that describes this client-centered educational effort is “Coaches let their questions do the heavy lifting.” Although teaching experiences that “show and tell” can be a part of the learning process, it is perhaps when we help others to see, discover, and learn from within that even greater benefits are realized.


Think back to the teachers, mentors, and coaches in your life who have made the most significant impact in your life. Examine how many of them helped you discover and believe in your own potential and greatness.

How can you be this teacher or coach for those you care about in your professional or personal life?

Should you have the interest to learn more about coaching and the ICF, please visit www.coachfederation.org

“We all have the extraordinary …”

“We all have the extraordinary coded within us, waiting to be released.”

—Jean Houston, Ph.D., scholar, philosopher and researcher

Photo from Mayo Clinic

Photo from Mayo Clinic

The process of coaching is like being a geneticist. It begins with the fundamental belief in what Dr. Houston states.  Guided by an extensive inquiry, it evolves into a supportive partnership to decipher each person’s special code, and helps them express it in the world.

Consider the discovery of DNA, and the work of scientists sequencing the entire genome with the intention of supporting each individual in living the most extraordinary life possible.


How can you be a coach for others and have coaching partnerships supporting you to release and realize the wonders of everyone in your professional and personal communities?

“To strengthen the muscle of your heart the best exercise is lifting someone else’s spirit when you can.”

“To strengthen the muscle of your heart the best exercise is lifting someone else’s spirit when you can.”

—Author unknown

Photo from Flickr by tiff_ku1

Photo from Flickr by tiff_ku1

Did you know that your heart beats over 100,000 times in one day, and over 35 million times in a year? If you live an average lifetime, your heart will beat more than 2.5 billion times.

Each beat of your heart has about the same force as giving a tennis ball a hard squeeze. This force circulates approximately 5.9 quarts of blood through your body, three times every minute.

Through this constant effort the heart pumps the equivalent of about one million barrels of blood during an average lifetime, which is enough to fill more than three super tankers.


How can you exercise your heart today by being a coach, mentor, or friend to others, and lift their spirits higher?

Interview with Doug Gfeller, Part Three: Building an Online Audience, and the Value of Coaching for Individuals and in Organizations

In this third excerpt (12 mins) from my interview with Doug Gfeller of The Coaching Perspective, we discuss:

  • My strategies for building an online audience, and the value of this, particularly in terms of impact.
  • How a book helps build credibility, even though it’s unlikely to make you a great deal of money.
  • The importance of being found through Google, and how a strong online presence helps with this.
  • How I help business leaders become coaches within their own institution, and how I work with professional coaches.
  • How having a coach and moving your life forward can help those around you, particularly family members.
  • The ways larger organizations are incorporating coaching into their processes.

Click “play” below to listen to this part of the interview:

You can listen to the full interview, and other interviews with me, on the Podcasts page of my coaching website.

When no one is watching

“The true test of a man’s character is what he does when no one is watching.”

– John Wooden, American basketball coach


mage from Flickr by Arlington County

I was enterprising as a young boy. At age 11, I mowed lawns during summer and shoveled snow during winter to earn money to purchase things I wanted. One winter day, I was headed out to shovel snow in our neighborhood, and my dad asked me to shovel our elderly next door neighbor’s sidewalk and not charge for the effort.

I must admit I hemmed and hawed, thinking this request unfair, and I remember my dad’s words, “It will build your character.” To this day, I can’t lift a shovel of snow without those words running through my mind.


What are the things you do or could do, without anyone knowing, that contribute to your character?

If you happen to be a coach, mentor, parent, teacher, or other service-oriented individual, how can you share today’s nugget of wisdom with the coach-able people in your life?

Interview with Doug Gfeller, Part Two: My Coaching Style and my Journey as a Writer

In this second excerpt (12 mins) from my interview with Doug Gfeller of The Coaching Perspective, we discuss:

  • What I do differently from other coaches, and how I aim to create “leveraged” coaching relationships.
  • How the idea of “givers gain” drives me in my work with my clients and gives me a sense of purpose.
  • Why I started my daily series The Quotable Coach (which Doug has shared with many friends and acquaintances) and wrote my book The Quotable Coach: Daily Nuggets of Practical Wisdom.
  • The way I use the quotes, adding a short, focused reflection and exercise, and how this has helped me send out a new email every day, Monday to Friday, for over two years.
  • My earlier experiences with writing, and particularly with corrections and feedback, which made me reluctant to put my work out there for many years.

Click “play” below to listen to this part of the interview:

You can listen to the full interview, and other interviews with me, on the Podcasts page of my coaching site.

If you haven’t yet got your copy of The Quotable Coach: Daily Nuggets of Practical Wisdom, you can find out more about the book here or buy it directly from Amazon here.

Interview with Doug Gfeller of The Coaching Perspective: How I Got Started as a Coach

I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Doug Gfeller of The Coaching Perspective recently, about “Building an Online Audience.” I’ve split the interview into short segments and will be posting them here over the next few weeks. If you want to hear the whole thing straight away, you can visit the Podcasts page on my coaching website.

In this first part (11 minutes), Doug and I discuss:

  • My first profession teaching science — following in the footsteps of many of my family members who work in education.
  • Why I left this profession and worked instead in pharmaceutical sales, and what these two careers had in common for me.
  • How the 1992 Olympic Games inspired me to become a coach and support professionals in achieving “gold medal” levels of performance.
  • How I work as a coach, and how my business has changed since I started 21 years ago — particularly in terms of finding clients.
  • The typical clients who I work with and the length of time I normally work with them.

Click the “play” button below to listen to the interview:

You can listen to the full interview, and other interviews with me, on the Podcasts of my coaching website.

The Quotable Coach book now available (thank you for your help!)

TQC-cover-welcomeI’m thrilled to announce that my book The Quotable Coach: Daily Nuggets of Practical Wisdom is now available.

If you’ve been waiting eagerly for this announcement, here’s where you can get a hot-off-the-press copy:

Ebook: Amazon.com, Amazon.co.uk, or your local Amazon store.

Paperback: My CreateSpace eStore.

If you’re purchasing the paperback version via my CreateSpace eStore, enter the code 42E47C9N for a 10% discount.

Many thanks to all of you who helped shape this book, voting and offering your feedback on the title and cover design. Thank you too for reading and supporting The Quotable Coach, whether you’ve been getting these emails for a couple of days or a couple of years.

If you’d like to know more about the book, which is an edited compilation of 365 of the best quotes from The Quotable Coach (so far), you can get all the details here.

Interview: Business Coaching, Soft Skills, “Intrepreneurship” and New Perspectives

I’ve been interviewed again by Chris Holman of Michigan Business Beat. We had a wide-ranging discussion, centering on coaching within the business world.

In this six-minute interview, Chris and I discuss:

  • “Soft skills for hard times” and how many people were let go in 2008-9 who had technical competencies but didn’t possess the softer skills of leadership, management, and coaching.
  • How people need to be versatile and wear many hats in smaller companies, developing their technical and softer skills.
  • The idea of “intrepreneurship”, including innovation, creativity, and the necessity of emotional intelligence.
  • Welcoming diverse perspectives (e.g. from people much younger or older than yourself).
  • Coming up with new ideas and new approaches by reading a wide range of materials from a variety of industries.

Click play below to listen to the interview:

You can also visit my Podcasts page on my coaching site to hear other interviews with me.

The 500th Quote From The Quotable Coach – Enjoy and Share!

“People give one another things that can’t be gift-wrapped.”

— Nadine Gordimer, South African novelist

500Image from Flickr by kelly.sikkema

Today marks a landmark on The Quotable Coach’s journey. The adventure began two years ago and today we’ve reached the milestone of our 500th post. (We couldn’t find a cake with 500 candles though!)

We’ve only scratched the surface of the nuggets of wisdom that have been given to us by so many insightful and remarkable people of the past and present.


If some of the best things in life are not things, what gifts do you have to give to others in your life?

Please consider sharing the gift of The Quotable Coach series as one option.

With sincerest thanks,

Barry Demp